Ford Ranger Maintaince And Repair Manual

※ Download: Ford ranger manual transmission fluid

It will replace worn out and sloppy shifter syndrome. To install: Clean timing cover and oil pan sealing surfaces.

View of the electrical connections on the back of the cluster To install: Connect the electrical wire harness plugs and install the instrument cluster. The fuel tubes used on these fuel systems are manufactured in in.

Changing Fluid In M5OD 5 Speed Manual Transmission - Never had one fail with Gear oil. On 1992 and later vehicles, there are two styles of thumb wheel adjusters.

If you drive a vehicle with a stick shift, you might wonder if automatic transmission fluid will work in your manual transmission. For instance, say you own a 1991 Ford Ranger. Automatic transmissions use a that serves a dual purpose by lubricating moving parts like a motor oil and also keeping the transmission from overheating like a coolant. Manual transmissions, on the other hand, can accept a variety of fluids, depending on the make and model of the vehicle. It may use regular , heavyweight hypoid gear oil, or automatic transmission fluid. If you don't have an owner's manual, check a local certified repair shop or the dealer's service center to find the right fluid for your vehicle. ATF in a Manual Transmission Although automatic transmission fluid does not need to be changed as , that doesn't mean you can fill your manual transmission with an ATF and forget about it. It's true that manual transmissions do not generate nearly the amount of heat as automatics, but over time the transmission fluid in a manual engine will pick up bits of metal and other debris from the transmission components. So make sure to frequently and follow the recommended replacement schedule for your vehicle. Otherwise, you might not know that your level is low until it is too late and your transmission is making alarming noises. Recommended Transmission Fluid for Ford Rangers Here is an example of a chart provided by the manufacturer of the Ford Ranger. As you can see, it lists a variety of acceptable transmission fluids for this particular make and model, which was produced with either the Mazda M5OD 5-speed transmission or the 5-speed Mitsubishi transmission. Your owner's or repair manual should have a similar chart. Mercon R Automatic Transmission Fluid or equivalent. Note: Synthetic Mercon E6AZ-19582-B may be used in extreme operating conditions to improve bearing life; extensive idling at less than -25 degrees F, severe duty at greater than 100 degrees F. If transmission lubricant is suspected of overheating. They will be able to give you a recommendation.


The driveshafts used on Ranger, Explorer and Mountaineer may be 1 of 3 types. Be sure to check the level only when the car is sitting level. A gentle tap with a soft hammer may help to break the seal on the gasket. © 2004 Thomson Delmar Learning. Unbolt and remove the tensioner. Install the engine front cover and water pump assembly. To install: Install a new gasket onto the sensor.