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That's where this emoji comes into play. Log Files Like most standard Web site servers, we use log files. But most guys are very quick to secretly send this emoji out to each and every girl they meet.
After collecting this important data we have compiled them into a one stop shop for all your sexy emoticon needs... What are your favourite sexting emojis? This is seriously our way of raising our hand in China for example, when answering a question at school. No more surfing in scale mode which ruins all the fun.
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Sexting gets a bad rep. Hell, there was even a storyline in Eastenders about sending naked snaps just last month. And yet, we all still do it. The media would have you believe that sexting is purely a , however studies show that we love exchanging a flirty message well into our. So let's not pretend we don't all do it every now and again. Sexting can be great for a variety of reasons, for example: for those in long distance relationships and, whether we like to admit it or not, it's a great self esteem boost. You're sitting there in your bed wearing a tatty t-shirt and fluffy socks eating two-day-old pizza, but someone is blowing up your phone saying how unbelievably sexy you are. What's not to love? The greatest development to happen to sexy texting in recent years is the arrival of the emoji. No longer do we have to deal with the downright archaic 'semi-colon + close bracket' wink face when we have a whole array of suggestive options... We grilled our nearest and dearest about their fave emojis to use while sexting and even asked them to send us some screenshots if they were willing, some were reluctant but most were forthcoming and wonderfully honest. After collecting this important data we have compiled them into a one stop shop for all your sexy emoticon needs... Face Throwing a Kiss A step up from the simple wink, now we're adding some frenching to the action. Face With Stuck-Out Tongue and Winking Eye The wink's cheeky cousin, this one is usually used after you've said something a bit left field, slightly cheeky but not too explicit. Smiling Face With Heart-Shaped Eyes This is where we start to get dirty now. According to our research this is the perfect reply to a sexy pic. Upside-Down Face Probably the most elusive face emoji, literally no one knows what it means so can be used for a variety of reasons. Smirking Face I think this one might have actually been designed for sexting. That little guy knows what's up. But I'm so innocent... Good for stalling while you think of a reply. Relieved Face This one is often sent when you're ~finished~ if you get my drift. Mouth Pretty self explanatory. Kiss Mark The sassiest way of saying goodbye when you're done. Tongue Despite the fact that this is the ugliest effing tongue we've ever seen, the tongue can be used to represent upcoming cunnilingus, so it is a vital emoji. Waving Hand Sign Waving hand sign? More like SPANKING HAND SIGN. It's a good reaction all round: to a naked pic, a suggestive message, or if you can see that your sexting partner is online but hasn't replied yet... The exact meaning isn't as cut and dry as the others. It does perpetuate a super feminine, delicate stereotype. However it can also mean fucking like bunnies, so there's that. Tulip Can mean a vagina or, rather disconcertingly, some people take this to mean their partner is a virgin. Splashing Sweat Symbol This one can mean a number of things but they all essentially boil down to one thing: bodily fluids. Water Wave A very accurate depiction of female ejaculation. Fun fact, the banana is typically used for a white penis, whereas an aubergine is more often used to describe a black penis. Who knows what races the Hot Pepper and Eat of Maize are for. Peach Big asses are all the rage right now, and this represents yo' peach. Watermelon Some people actually use this as a vagina. I'm not sure how many vaginas have black seeds in them but whatever. Wine Glass Period sex. Movie Camera Sex tapes are real, y'all. Just please be careful who you make them with, it worked out well for Kim Kardashian but that doesn't necessarily mean it'll work out well for you. Love Letter Because what is sexting if not the 21st Century's answer to the classic love letter? And there you have it. The extensive how-to guide on using little yellow men in your sex life. What are your favourite sexting emojis?
Stephen Deciphers The Teenage Emoji Code
Instead, we'll just call them elements. He's most likely bad news, but he's probably one hell of a good time. However, if he sends you more than four heart eyes in a row, it's pretty clear that you're someone special in his life. He could send you four devilish grins in a row in autobus to your latest Snapchat selfie, and you already know what's on his mind. They want a condom emoji, is the thing. And when all is said and done… 14. The emoji flag list is based on : a list of internationally recognized two-letter country codes.